Mobile Wellness (MW)
Mobile Wellness (MW) is designed to connect anytime anywhere anyone who offers or seeks mobile-assisted, preventive and client-tailored wellness services. MW provides its creative and crucial support to both mobile wellness services providers and clients within business hours from 6 am through 10 pm. Currently, MW is operating in Singapore. It will expand its operations to China, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, US, UK, Canada, Brazil, Botswana, Switzerland, Sweden, France, Germany, Russia, Kazakhastan, and more.
Seeking MW Services
At MW, clients interact via mobile devices in real time with mobile wellness professionals for consultations on how to stay well mobile way.
Offering MW Services
MW professionals provide consultations and other personalized services via mobile devices to meet specific individual needs of our clients.
Gold Member: $16888 annually
Silver Member: $8188 annually
Regular Member: $6188 annually
1. Daily personalised wellness mobile-assisted and data-based report and consultation (gold members)
2. Weekly personalised wellness mobile-assisted and data-based report and consultatio (silver members)
3. Fornightly personalised wellness mobile-assisted and data-based report and consultatio (regular members)
4. Daily personalized 60-minute wellness boosting sessions at WM and its selected global outlets (gold members)
5. Weekly personalized 60-minute wellness boosting sessions at WM and its selected global outlets (silver members)
6. Fornightly personalized 60-minute wellness boosting sessions at WM in the country of residence only (regular members).
7. MW member retreats in a resort once a year (regular members)
8. MW member retreats in a resort twice a year (gold and sliver members)
To stay well mobile way with us, please complete one of the following memership forms.